Chastity Cage Sizing: How To Measure Yourself For Chastity Cage And Ring

Chastity Cage Sizing: How To Measure Yourself For Chastity Cage And Ring

Learn how to get the perfect chastity cage sizing! This guide comprehensive guide offers tips to measure yourself for a chastity cage and ring accurately.



What Is a Chastity Cage?


A chastity cage (or cock cage) is a gimmick designed to keep the penis flaccid or stop it from being fully erect.

The device is often used either to abstain from sex or to make orgasm more pleasurable.


It’s no medieval torture device, either. A chastity cage is a modern-day marvel that keeps your comfort in mind.


Still, the key to unlocking the joy (or should we say, keeping it locked up) lies in getting the perfect chastity cage sizing.

Yes, this is one of those cases where size does matter.


What Is a Chastity Cage?


Things To Know Before Buying a Chastity Cage


Before you go all gung-ho and snag your first chastity cage, it’s crucial to pump the brakes for a moment and think through a few considerations.

After all, this isn’t the kind of purchase you want to wing, trust us.


  • Size Matters: And we’re not talking ego here. The fit of your chastity cage can make or break your experience. If it is too small, you’re in for a painful ride. Too big, and well, it’s about as useful as a chocolate teapot. Accuracy is key when it comes to chastity cage sizing. So, grab that measuring tape, and let’s get down to business.


  • Experience Level: Are you a newbie or an old hand at this game? If you’re fresh off the boat, start with something simple and comfortable. You don’t want to jump into the deep end with a complex device that requires a degree in mechanical engineering to operate.


Things To Know Before Buying a Chastity Cage


  • Purpose: What’s the end goal here? Are you looking for a chastity cage for a bit of BDSM play, or is this a long-term lifestyle choice? The “why” drastically impacts what type of cage you should be shopping for.


  • Material: You’re going to want to opt for a material that’s both comfortable and easy to clean. Nobody wants a chastity cage that’s more high maintenance than a diva on a diet.


Parts of a Chastity Cage


Here’s your handy-dandy user manual with a lot less of the technical jargon:


  • Base Ring: This is the device’s foundation. It’s what everything else attaches to and keeps everything snug and secure.


  • Cock Cage: It’s what most people think of when they hear “chastity cage.” This is where the magic happens (or doesn’t, as the case may be).


Parts of a Chastity Cage


  • Gap: This is the area between the base ring and the cock cage. It keeps the cage in place while providing some much-needed breathing space.


  • Urination Opening: This part is there to ensure that the cage won’t interfere with your ability to answer nature’s call.


  • Lock: Last but not least, the lock. It’s what turns the cage from a quirky piece of jewelry into a functioning chastity device. Without it, well… you’re just wearing a fancy piece of hardware.


Chastity Cage Sizing: Everything to Measure


Time to roll up your sleeves and get down to a bit of DIY. You’re going to need some yarn (or string), a rigid ruler, and a marker pen.


For the Base


1. First step, wrap the yarn around the base of your penis and balls, bits and all.

You’re looking for a snug fit with room for one finger to slide under — think Goldilocks, not too loose, not too tight, but just right.


2. Now, tie it around your balls and wait for at least 15 minutes.

You know, catch up on some Netflix or maybe try a mindfulness app — anything but thinking about the yarn tied around your goods.

At the same time, you’re going to want to keep an eye out for any discoloration or loss of sensation.

If there’s a change, loosen the string up a bit. This isn’t a purple rain scenario we’re aiming for here.


3. Here’s the real test — can you pee with your new yarn adornment? Yes? Great!

If not, loosen it up a bit. Once all is good, mark the edge of the knot with your pen.

Then, carefully cut the yarn and lay it against your ruler to get the length.


4. To ensure you’ve got it spot-on, repeat this process at least two more times, with each measurement taken at least three hours apart.

Once done, find the average length.


For the Base


For the Length


1. Your penis should be in its usual calm, every day, flaccid state.


2. For this, you’re going to need a hard ruler. Yeah, we know what you’re thinking — the irony.

But trust us, a soft tape measure isn’t going to cut it in terms of accuracy.

If you’ve got a 12″ ruler lying about the place, even better.


3. Place the end of the ruler on the top side of your trusty sidekick, but remember, no cheating!

The ruler should not be touching your pubic area.


4. Take note of the length, but don’t pop the champagne just yet.

You’re going to want to subtract half to ¼ inch from what you measured. This ensures a comfortable fit.


5. Do the whole process a couple more times to make sure you’re getting consistent measurements.


For the Length


For the Inside Diameter


1. Grab that yarn again. This time, you’re going for the thickest part of your penis. Yes, you read it right. We’re talking about girth, not length.


2. Wrap the string around, and be sure to keep it snug (not strangulating!) Mark the point where the yarn completes one full wrap.


3. Whip out that trusty ruler again. Measure the string from end to mark. Jot down the number.


4. Next, you’re going to rinse and repeat, but this time for the thinnest part. The same rules apply. No need to squeeze the life out of your little buddy, though.


5. Repeat the process a couple of times, ideally with a few hours in between.


6. Get your average measurements for both the thickest and thinnest part.


For the Inside Diameter


About the Gap Size


Let’s talk about the nether regions, specifically that space that hangs out between your base ring and your cage — yes, that’s the gap.

No two ballsacks are alike. Like snowflakes, sure — but sweatier and less festive.

This is why finding your perfect gap size is a critical step towards a well-fitted chastity cage.


If your ballsack has a penchant for hanging low, you’ll want a thinner gap size for snugness.

On the other hand, if your ballsack likes to keep things high and tight, living closer to the main attraction (your penis, of course), you’ll need a larger gap size.


About the Gap Size


Choosing the Right Chastity Cage Material


Alright, we’ve got your measurements sorted. Now, let’s talk material. Here are your main options:


  • Silicone Chastity Cage: Comfortable, easy to clean, and hypoallergenic. These cages are also flexible (which means less ouch and more ahh.) However, this can make it feel less secure. If you’re after that firm hold, it might not be your cup of tea.


Silicone Chastity Cage


  • Plastic or Polycarbonate Chastity Cage: Now, this is the blue jeans of chastity cages. Reliable, straightforward, and sturdy. It’s a step up in firmness from silicone and also easy to clean. But it’s a bit less comfortable, and while it may not give you a rash, it’s not hypoallergenic either. So, if your manhood tends to break out in hives, this might not be your best bet.


Plastic or Polycarbonate Chastity Cage


  • Metal Chastity Cage: For those who mean business, stainless steel is the black tie of chastity cages. This is for when you really want to lock it down. It’s the most secure feel you can get. Plus, it’s also a breeze to clean and hypoallergenic. Still, we can’t not sugarcoat it — it’s also the heaviest of the lot. If you’re not used to having a dumbbell in your pants, it may take some getting used to.


Metal Chastity Cage


Chastity Cage Sizing: More Things to Consider


Below are more things you have to think about when shopping for your soulmate cage:


Spaces and Pins


  • Spaces and pins may sound like something out of a sewing kit, but in the chastity cage world, they’re pretty important. Spaces are the gaps between the rings on your cage, and they need to be practical.


  • Pins, on the other hand, are what keep the cage and the ring together. The right pin size endorses a secure yet comfortable fit.


Spaces and Pins


Ring Types


  • Circular Ring: The classic, round, and ready for action. Great for beginners, but it might not be the one if you’re well-endowed.


  • Curved/Oval Ring: The “skinny jeans” of chastity rings. It contours to your body shape, providing a more natural and comfortable fit.


  • Curved Hinged Ring: The “cargo pants” — roomy and easy to slip into. It opens up for easy wear, but be careful! It might pinch if not worn properly.


Ring Types


Lock Types


  • Sliding Barrel Lock: Sneaky and subtle, these locks slide into place and keep things secure without a key. Handy, right?


Lock Types


  • Padlock: The traditional choice. It’s a classic for a reason, but don’t lose the key!

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