FTM Top Surgery: Helping You with Your Transgender Concerns

FTM Top Surgery: Helping You with Your Transgender Concerns

Many transgender people see top surgery as a critical part of the process of making their external body match their gender.

Top surgery is another name for female-to-male surgery, which involves the resection of breast tissue and reshaping the chest for a more male appearance.

This article discusses issues involved in FTM top surgery, such as the kinds of operations, professional advice from doctors, and the frequently asked questions.



What Is FTM Top Surgery?


Top surgery, also known as chest feminization or masculinization, is a gender-confirming surgery that involves the removal of breast tissue and reshaping the chest to develop a more masculine or feminine look.

The process of sex reassignment helps reduce gender dysphoria in transgender people and allows your bodies to reflect your gendered identities.

This aims to form a chest that looks bigger than usual with a masculine shape and form or reposition the nipple to give a more feminine look.


What Is FTM Top Surgery?


What Type of People Is the FTM Top Surgery Suitable for?


Nonbinary and transgender people may opt to undergo this surgery, and it results in a masculine appearance of the chest.

Testosterone injections to develop secondary male characteristics are appropriate for those with the condition of gender dysphoria and whose treatment has included hormone therapy.

It would help if you discussed with a certified FTM plastic surgeon skilled enough to prescribe the best procedure depending on your goal, characteristics, and previous illnesses.


What Type of People Is the FTM Top Surgery Suitable for?


Professional Doctor Recommendations


The selection of a well-versed surgeon is essential to obtaining desirable outcomes before and after undergoing the FTM top surgery procedure.


Here are some highly recommended professional doctors who specialize in transgender surgeries:


  • Dr. Curtis Crane


His qualifications include being among the elite plastic surgeons who successfully provide FTM top surgery services.

He focuses on personalized care, intending to create natural-looking outcomes since he possesses the skills to operate on individuals who need critical surgeries such as genitourinary reconstruction.


Dr. Curtis Crane


  • Dr. Scott Mosser


Dr. Mosser, like any other seasoned consultant, is an excellent plastic surgeon who has been operating on transgender patients for many years.

As a result, he strives for his patients’ comfort, well-being, and satisfaction.


Dr. Scott Mosser


  • Dr. Paul Steinwald


People recognize Dr. Steinwald for his expertise in FTM top surgery, thanks to his competence as a plastic surgeon.

The physician believes in making an amiable, secure, and favorable atmosphere for his patients.


Dr. Paul Steinwald


  • Dr. Laurel K. Chandler


Dr. Chandlers is a certified plastic surgeon who operates on transgender surgeries, especially FTM top surgery.

People also know him for his compassionate and caring nature while dealing with his patients and his ability to give attention to every patient’s needs.


Dr. Laurel K. Chandler


  • Dr. Ashley Deleon


She is a very dedicated doctor who is keen on helping transgender people attain their desired and comfortable outcomes.

Dr. Deleon is passionate and finds her career rewarding, making her a recognized person for her careful process and satisfied patients.


Dr. Ashley Deleon


FTM Top Surgery Surgical Budget


Components such as an experienced surgeon, region of practice, and the degree of operative difficulty, among others, determine the cost of FTM top surgery.

Moreover, extraneous expenses like anesthetics and facilities charges may also influence the overall price of operative treatment.

FTM top surgeries cost between $5000 and $10000 per patient.

However, you should visit surgeons and ask them for specific details about the process that insurance or other similar opportunities may cover in order to ascertain and find out the costs.


FTM Top Surgery Surgical Budget


FTM Top Surgery Procedure


Preoperative preparation


Proper preparation before undergoing FTM top surgery is essential for a smooth operation and quick recovery.

The preoperative process typically includes the following steps:


  • Mental Health Assessment


It is necessary to conduct a psychological exam to make sure you have a proper state of mind to undergo the operation.

The medical team carries out an assessment of prior mental health problems and checks that the patient has appropriate expectations and reasons for the surgery.


Mental Health Assessment


  • Testosterone Gender Confirmation Hormone Therapy


Testosterone therapy is a treatment option available if you are planning to undergo gender confirmation.

For you to undergo this type of treatment, you may experience fostered secondary male characteristics, such as muscle growth, loss of body fat, and voice deepening.

A physician or a surgeon may advise you to consider hormonal therapy before undergoing FTM surgery for better outcomes.


Testosterone Gender Confirmation Hormone Therapy


What Are My Options?


There are varieties of FTM top surgery available for different types of individuals based on your chest size, anatomy, skin elasticity, and preference.

The most known options are:


  • Double-Incision Top Surgery with Nipple Grafts


The surgery entails making two horizontal cuts across the chest, removal of excessive breast tissues, and downsizing and readjustment of the nipples.

It offers excellent chest sculpting and is best for those with larger chests.

This brings about increased body confidence and gives you a man’s appearance.


Double-Incision Top Surgery with Nipple Grafts


  • Periareolar Top Surgery


Individuals who have small chest sizes can opt for periareolar top surgery.

In this case, a cut goes around the areola, facilitating the reduction of nipples and the subsequent chest modification.

The single-incision vaycocalyneal technique is a less invasive procedure than the V-Y mammaplasty top, giving patients more aesthetic outcomes.


Periareolar Top Surgery


  • Keyhole Top Surgery


You can undergo the keyhole top surgery if you have smaller chests and tighter skins.

The surgeon does this procedure by creating a tiny cut around the region near the areola area.

The removal of breast tissue follows it via liposuction before reshaping the chest.

The procedure is less invasive, hence fewer scars, leading to more natural-looking results.


Keyhole Top Surgery


Every process comes in a series of stages and advantages, and you need to engage a surgeon and discuss the best approach, depending on your preferences.


What Other Gender Confirmation Surgeries Are Available?


Although chest reconstruction forms part of FTM top surgery, people pursuing a broader transitional pathway have other available gender-confirmative surgical procedures.

These surgeries include:


  • Facial Masculinization


One popular procedure in this surgery includes jaw and chin contouring, nose reshaping, and Adam’s apple enhancement to make the face look masculine.

The process results in permanent changes and is suitable for individuals born with female features who identify as male.


Facial Masculinization


  • Phalloplasty


Phalloplasty is a complex process customized for each person, involving the creation of a new phallus out of harvested tissues – the patient’s own or another person’s.

The development of a functioning phallus is a gradual procedure that utilizes various surgical methods, such as the creation of a penis and scrotum and the removal of the uterus, ovaries, and vagina.




  • Metoidioplasty


The other alternative for people who may consider phalloplasty is metoidioplasty, which includes freeing up the clitoris to enlarge it and adjusting the urethra for better urination performance.

Individuals assigned female at birth primarily undergo this method, which medical professionals can also apply to transsexual adults who have had testosterone therapy and developed an enlarged clitoris.




What Are the Potential Complications of FTM Top Surgery?


Just like any other kind of surgical procedure, there are some dangers and complications associated with FTM top surgery, depending on the type of surgery.

These complications can involve:


  • Infection and bleeding of the wound


  • Hematoma and Seroma


  • Unappealing Scars


  • Nipple or areola necrosis


  • Lack of sensation in the breast


  • Asymmetry and problems with anesthetics


What Are the Potential Complications of FTM Top Surgery?


You need to consult your surgeon for proper guidance on post-operative care to avoid such complications.


Recovery and Prospects


Post-operative recovery is significant for attaining permanent results without complications.

You must follow the surgeon’s orders and attend more medical checks for full recovery.

Post-operative recovery measures include:


  • Rest and Recovery


The initial stage should entail much rest and little or no physical exercise at all.

It would be best if you slept on your back as it will prevent the appearance of swellings, bruises, and pains.


Rest and Recovery


  • Dressings and Compression Garments


You may also wear a compression garment on your chest to reduce the accumulation of fluids in your body and promote fast recovery of the injured part.


Dressings and Compression Garments


  • Medication


Pain medications and antibiotics may form a vital part of treatment, considering that it is important to prevent constipation, pain, and infection.




  • Follow-Up Appointments


You may also need to go for a number of regular follow-ups after the operation to provide a chance for the surgeon to visit and check on any progress made in the affected area, removal of any sutures and drains, and any other concerns or complications that may arise.


How’s Life After FTM Top Surgery?


You will have a positive feeling like you a mentally stable and have a good body image after surgery.

Also, you can have easy socialization with other people if your personality matches your body after the surgery.

This will enhance your sense of honor and lower dysphoria.


How's Life After FTM Top Surgery?


FTM Top Surgery FAQs


  • How long does the surgery take?


FTM top surgery’s duration depends upon the selected operation, your anatomy, and the details and intensity of the case.

If you are considering the process, it takes about 2-5 hours on average.


How long does the surgery take?


  • How long does it take to recover from surgery fully?


The recovery period may differ depending on an individual, but most individuals are always active after four to six weeks of the procedure.

It would help if you postponed intensive physical exercises and lifting weights within six to eight weeks for full recovery.


How long does it take to recover from surgery fully?


  • How do I prepare for my surgery?


You may prepare for the FTM top surgery by making consultations with the surgeon, ensuring your medical status and fitness are all in check and you meet the World Professional Association for Transgender Health’s criteria, ceasing taking specific drugs and quitting smoking if you are a smoker.


  • What aftercare will be provided for me?


After a successful surgery, the aftercare you may get from the surgeon includes frequent clinic visits where you receive dressing on the area.

The surgeon will advise you to wear a compression garment to prevent bleeding and infection.

You will also get scar care instructions and post-operative pain management tips to mitigate the risks of developing swellings and complications.


What aftercare will be provided for me?


  • What should I do if complications arise?


If complications occur after FTM top surgery, you should not hesitate to contact the surgeon.

A surgeon will give you a lead and might seek an on-the-table evaluation to correct any problems.


FTM Top Surgery Conclusion 


FTM Top Surgery


Finally, FTM top surgery is an integral part of the process in which transgender people try to make their bodies look like the appropriate gender of their choice.

Therefore, you should research what surgery procedure they will use and ensure that you have sufficient time to prepare for it.

Once the surgery is successful, ensure you have proper care after being discharged home.

The surgery may offer you tremendous benefits, such as enhanced self-confidence, reduction in gender dysphoria, and an increased sense of living authentically.

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