Addressing Dysphoria through STPs

Addressing Dysphoria through STPs

The transgender experience is often marked by gender dysphoria–the emotional distress resulting from feelings of misalignment between a person’s assigned sex at birth and that which they identify with.

It can alter a trans person’s emotional and mental well-being, and to navigate this emotional terrain and become their authentic selves, trans people often look for different avenues of gender affirmation, one of which is the use of Stand-to-pee (STP) devices.

They play an unparalleled role in providing relief and empowering those seeking to align their gender identity and daily lives.


However, as we begin the journey of understanding STPs and their profound impact, it becomes more and more clear that there is a need for a comprehensive resource that sheds light on the details of these devices and their place on the spectrum of transgender experiences.

This article seeks to contribute to the knowledge base by delving into the world of STPs, exploring how they can be used to alleviate gender dysphoria, and offering insights into their selection, use, and maintenance.


STP Device



What is a STP?


A stand-to-pee (STP) is a device used by an individual born with a vulva to urinate while standing.

It is a convenient option when squatting or sitting to pee may be hard, for example, when camping or engaging in other outdoor activities.

They could also come in handy when you are in a place where the washrooms are dirty or do not exist. 

STPs take the shape of penises and are often used by gender non-binary and trans masculine men who haven’t had bottom surgery to make them feel more in tune with their bodies.


Penis Prosthesis


STPs come in all forms and shapes, from easy-to-clean funnel-like plastic options to realistic-looking ones featuring thoughtfully designed silicone shafts.

Prosthetics that closely mimic natural appearances are available in different sizes and skin tones, and their plastic counterparts are sold in almost all colors.


Selecting an STP that perfectly suits your needs and preferences can be frustrating because of the plethora of options in the market.

However, the process becomes much easier if you are well-informed about these devices.


Stp Structure


Tips for Using STPs


No matter your choice of STP, one thing is certain: it will take some time for you to get around their use.

While some will crack it the first time, this isn’t the case with most users who often need help getting used to STPs.


Here are tips that can help you get comfortable with STPs:


● Home Practice


Before you begin using your STP product, it is important that you first practice using it at home, as this is where you feel most comfortable.

Consider trying the device in the shower, as doing so makes it easy for you to clean up afterward, in addition to helping temper your pee stream and minimizing potential spillage.

Once you’ve hacked using your device at home, you can move to using it in public places.


Home Practice


● Wearing the Right Underwear


Wear underwear with a fly space to easily access your STP, especially if you have a harness on to keep your realistic-looking STP in position.

However, for some people, getting their packers to fit into the folds of their underwear may be difficult, which is why wearing underwear with a built-in hole may be a wonderful option.

This way, you can easily pull out your STP.

This practice is particularly helpful for individuals who wear heavy-duty belts and yearn for a more convenient alternative.


Wearing the Right Underwear


●  Excellent Timing


With STPs, using the washroom at the last minute could make using them very uncomfortable.

If you have a strong urge to pee, controlling your urine flow can be challenging, and accidents could happen.

Therefore, make a point always to use the washroom when the urge first arises.


Excellent Timing


STP Care and Cleaning


Because STPs get into contact with your intimate regions, it is only reasonable that you maintain high cleanliness standards when it comes to caring for them.

One thing to remember, however, is that there is no universal cleaning solution for these products as they are made from different materials.


For silicone STPs, wash regularly with soap (oil-free options) and warm water.

Once clean, use corn starch to eliminate the device’s sticky after-wash feel and reduce chafing during daily use.


STP Care and Cleaning


Fortunately, for those who prefer funnel-like rubber and plastic options, cleaning and maintaining these STPs is easy.

You can wash them in the shower and air-dry them. When going out, it is advisable to carry with you plastic bags and toilet paper.

After using the gear, dab it with toilet paper before placing it in a plastic bag and leave it there until your next session or till you reach home and clean it.


However, if you are unsure how to clean your STP product, remember the best approach is following manufacturer recommendations.

It is also worth remembering that some STPs have a rubber tube that may need periodic replacement.

You can buy these replacement parts from your manufacturer.


How to Choose the Right STP


An STP that works for someone may fail to do the same for you, which is okay.

Asking your friends or family for referrals and going through reviews of online products is a great place to start in your search for the perfect STP gear.

Before deciding, ensure you know how you intend to use your device (will you be using it at home or taking it with you in public?) and set a budget for yourself.

You’ll also want to ask yourself whether you want a realistic-looking product or its plastic or rubber option.


How to Choose the Right STP


Top Picks for STPs


Once you’ve set a budget for your STP product and decided on how you intend to use it, picking the right one should be smooth.

We’ve also curated a list of our top-rated options that you can check out. Who knows? One of them could be what you’ve been missing all this time.


● The pStyle: A beginner-Friendly Option


We understand how intense, realistic-looking STPs can seem when buying your first product, which is why we present to you the pStyle STP, the ultimate product for beginners.

An old classic with a simplistic design, the pStyle’s small funnel significantly eases peeing while standing.

In addition, it has a thoughtful, rigid plastic body that allows for easy positioning and isn’t conspicuous, so it can be easily transported and cleaned.

This option also goes well with pants and creates a solid seal, letting you enjoy outdoor activities without worrying about your underwear’s safety.


The pStyle: A beginner-Friendly Option


● GoGirl STP: Ideal for On-The-Go Situations


Ignore the gendered branding. GoGirl is the way to go if you have a limited budget. It is funnel-shaped and has a silicone body.

Unlike the pStyle, this option is flexible and reusable. This way, you can roll it up and carry it on hiking and camping trips.

Also, backflow and spillage will be a thing of the past as the gear is tailored to fit flush against your body, forming a secure seal.


GoGirl STP: Ideal for On-The-Go Situations


● Packer Gear STP: A Pliable and Affordable Choice


Here comes another beginner-friendly option worth exploring.

The Packer Gear STP is available in two sizes–4″ and 5″–and four skin tone options.

It functions primarily as a pee funnel complete with a wide hollow shaft and large bowl, all of which make flow restriction unnecessary.

Hence, practicing with gear is a walk in the park. While this may not be a great option for packing because of its thin but firm walls, it is easy to practice with.

Also, the packer is made from hypoallergenic silicone, is unscented, and body safe.


Packer Gear STP


● TransStore Packer + STP: A Versatile Dual-Purpose Option


A made-in-Brazil product, the TransStore Packer + STP is an incredible choice for those who want a packing device and STP in a single package.

The multipurpose gear was constructed with flexibility in mind.

It mimics a flaccid penis that, besides giving you volume, offers a sloped design that makes peeing while standing easy.

What’s more? If you still want that bulge even when not in the washroom, the TransStore Packer + STP option gives you that.


TransStore Packer + STP


●  Emisil Compact STP: Top-Notch Realism and Functionality


For the most realistic appearance, give Emisil’s Compact STP a chance.

While you may be shocked by its high price, it will all make sense once you experience its ergonomic design.

It is compact enough to allow for packing and features a one-hand-use functionality.

In addition, the Emisil is made from silicone, meaning it is easy to clean and durable.


Emisil Compact STP




To sum it up, buying stand-to-pee prosthetics can be frustrating, especially if it is your first buy.

You may be unfamiliar with the pros and cons of the various options in the market, and it is easy to make the wrong choice.


STP Devices


However, the buying process can be much easier if you are well-informed about STPs and how to use them for comfort and satisfaction.

Are you a trans man considering getting an STP to feel more in touch with your true self? Welcome aboard!




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